When people meet you and look you up,
what do you want them to find?
Hi, Courtney here. I know that when you're in school, it's easy to get overwhelmed. You know you want- even need- a website, but you just don't have the time or know-how to get it done. That's were I come in.
But first, a quick story about the importance of an online presence:
I was at a vocal competition quite a few years ago and I was really impressed by one of the singers. The program listed her name, so I did a quick internet search. I couldn't find anything except a tiny blip about someone with her name participating in a young artist program. I wasn't even sure if it was the same singer! It was crystal clear to me in that moment that if someone ever heard me perform and wanted to know more about me by searching on the internet, I wanted to have a say in what they found.
I am a designer, but I'm also a musician. As an opera singer and clarinetist, I understand performing and the need to differentiate yourself while staying professional and true to your own personality. Having been around artists of all kinds for most of my life, I know what to highlight and how to make your site feel like it represents the real you!

Basic Site (3 Pages) - starting at $400
This is for the student just starting out. Maybe you don't have a lot of examples of your work, or you just don't have a ton of money to throw at promoting yourself, yet. Includes a Home page, a Contact page, and one additional page (About, Media, Resume, Gallery, etc.).
We will discuss and choose what pages make the most sense for your particular site and content during our initial meeting.

Advanced Site (6 Pages) - starting at $700
This is great for the student who has been gaining experience for many years. If you know you will need a full page dedicated to your resume, as well as multiple videos and images, this package is for you. Includes Home, Contact, and four additional pages (About, Media, Resume, Gallery, Portfolio, Bio, Research, Videos, etc.).
We will discuss and choose what pages make the most sense for your particular site and content during our initial meeting.
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"Words can not express how impressed and honored I am to have a website designed by the amazing Courtney Biller!"
~ Christopher T. F. Hanson